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Are you a hedgehog lover or do you want to buy hedgehogs ( hedgehogs for sale )? Shop on our website we are selling the world’s top best types of hedgehogs. These hedgehogs are well trained, treated, and medically fit. We have multiple choices for you. We are offering multiple discounts. We have hedgehogs for sale/adoption.
Wild hedgehogs have been living in Africa forever but only in recent years have they been kept as pets.
Most North American pet hedgehogs, typically called African pygmy hedgehogs, were bred from African species and are considered domesticated.
These little animals can make terrific companions when housed and fed appropriately, and their popularity appears to be increasing. But hedgehogs are not meant for everyone. Before you consider bringing a hedgehog into your home, there are several things to be aware of.
Any hedgehog owner who has spent a significant amount of time interacting with his pet and socializing with it will tell you that a hedgehog responds to an owner’s voice and appearance. Nervous, balled-up hedgehogs may unfurl only when they hear their owners’ voices and smell their owners’ scents.
Hedgehogs can be adorable, loving pets if they are handled often and made less fearful of people. Unsocialized hedgehogs who are never or rarely handled, however, may remain nervous, jumpy and tightly curled up.
So if you’re thinking of having a hedgehog, realize that these cute little prickly pets need time, attention and tender loving care to thrive and be interactive.
European hedgehogs who live in the wild will hibernate when the climate gets very cold and food sources become scarce. They do this to reduce their metabolism and maintain their body temperature.
Similarly, during hot months, when food supply is limited, African pygmy hedgehogs drastically reduce their activity and sleep more—a state called aestivation—to reduce their metabolic rate and prevent overheating.
Though wild hedgehogs have developed these behavior patterns as adaptations to climate changes, domesticated pet hedgehogs should not exhibit either pattern but remain active since their environmental temperature and food supplies should be constant.
When pet hedgehogs hibernate or aestivate, they can lose weight, become ill and even die. If your pet is exhibiting any unusual behaviors, contact your veterinarian.
Like all other animals, hedgehogs may carry a handful of diseases that are contagious to people, including Salmonella bacteria in their stool. They can also carry fungal spores on their quills and skin that cause ringworm in people.
This fungus may cause quill loss and dry flaky skin on the hedgehog. As with all other pets, hedgehog owners should be sure to thoroughly wash their hands after handling their pets or cleaning their cages.
Many people think hedgehogs are silent, but they vocalize through a variety of grunts, squeals, snorting and snuffling sounds. They commonly vocalize when exploring their environments.
They may also puff, click or hiss when nervous or upset or whistle or purr when happy. They typically make screaming sounds when they are in pain.
Hedgehogs love to eat, and if they are housed in cages with little opportunity to socialize and exercise, they tend to put on weight. Obesity is a common problem among pet hedgehogs.
Fat hedgehogs typically have very pudgy limbs and large amounts of subcutaneous fat protruding from underneath their mantel (the spine-covered top part of their bodies).
Obese hedgehogs may not be able to roll up like other hedgehogs, and those who eat excessive numbers of insects may suffer from calcium deficiency and brittle bones.
Overweight hedgehogs should be put on restricted amounts of food and encouraged to run around outside their cages or inside them on wheels.
In the wild, hedgehogs are active at night, since that is when their food is available. Domesticated pet hedgehogs have maintained this nocturnal lifestyle, sleeping a good portion of the day and running in wheels at night.
If you’re a light sleeper, go to bed early or are out a lot at night, a hedgehog may not be the best pet for you.
Interestingly, though quilled porcupines are rodents, quilled hedgehogs are not. They are classified as insectivores (insect eaters) instead.
They are not strict insectivores, however, as they consume a variety of foods in the wild, including snails, amphibians, lizards, snakes, birds’ eggs, fish, carrion, mushrooms, grassroots, berries and melons.
Domesticated pet hedgehogs typically eat a limited number of insects (mealworms, crickets, earthworms, wax worms) in favor of commercially available pelleted formulas manufactured just for them.
They can also eat a small amount of vegetables, fruit and cooked meat. Given their desire to catch live prey, pet hedgehogs should not be offered large amounts of insects or they will likely eat them to the exclusion of other foods needed for a balanced diet.
When a hedgehog encounters an object with a new scent, he will lick and bite the object and then form a frothy “spitball” in his mouth containing the new scent.
He will throw his head back and spit this frothy saliva over his spines with his tongue, possibly to camouflage himself with the new scent and make himself less obvious to predators.
If you see your pet hedgehog engaging in this “self-anointing” behavior, don’t worry: It’s gross but completely normal.
As a defense mechanism, hedgehogs roll their bodies into tight little balls when threatened, causing their spines to point outward so that predators are unable to see their faces or limbs.
They have very strong muscles over their backs, and it is nearly impossible to unfurl a hedgehog once he’s curled up.
Pet hedgehogs must be handled gently and often to get them to relax and uncurl. Otherwise, you will spend a lot of time staring at a cute but prickly little ball in your lap.
Like porcupines, the skin over hedgehogs’ backs is covered with sharp spines that protect them from predators. Thankfully, unlike our native porcupines, hedgehogs cannot shoot their quills out in defense.
When caught in the mouth of a predator, however, hedgehogs will twitch and jump so that their quills poke into the skin and lips of the aggressor, making things generally unpleasant until they are released.
Handling a nervous hedgehog can be tricky for an owner, and you may need to hold your friend in a small towel until he relaxes.
Hedgehogs, or “hedgies” if you prefer, are cute little creatures that are naturally found in Europe, Asia, and Africa. You can find them in New Zealand now too thanks to their introduction there.
There are currently 17 different species known to science with this animal who shares a distant ancestry with shrews. Their tiny quills are reminiscent of porcupines, but the two animals are unrelate.
Hedgehogs got their name in the late 15th century because you would find them living near the hedgerows in Europe. The “hog” portion of their name came about because of the tiny snout that looks reminiscent of a pig.
Most hedgies have brown spines with pale tips, but the ones that live on the island of Alderney in the United Kingdom are blonde. All of them roll into a tight ball as a way to defend themselves, causing their quills to extend outward.
Could it be that a hedgehog, that odd animal that curls into a ball of spikes would make a wonderful pet? Perhaps the best way to answer this question is through education about this particular animal.
One may want to ask himself prior to actually owning one what he wants from a pet and if he has the time to be a pet parent.
Indeed, the hedgehog is quite an unusual, delightful animal to adopt, but one must hunt for a place that sells them, as it is not an easy task to find one since they are not commonly sold in pet stores.
This is also the reason why we are here to help you get the hedgehog of your dreams, we have been doing this for about 15 years now and we love what we do.
Also, the African Pygmy Hedgehog is the hog usually sold as a pet.
What is more, one must be a responsible pet parent by allowing the porky out of his cage every day so he can explore a room set up for him.
Remember that these critters urinate and defecate while running, so make sure there’s no carpeting on his floor or all this will be absorbed into the floor covering.
Additionally, hoglets come into the world during June and July, and mama hedgehog delivers four or five babies, but only two or three get weaned right away.
Mama has been known to eat her babies or she has abandoned them totally whenever she has been bothered in any way.
There’s a lot more to these tiny little critters than meets the eye, too.
With that said, what are the pros owning a hedgehog? On the plus side, hedgehogs are fairly clean, and don’t produce allergens the same way furry animals do.
They’re not aggressive, not noisy, and don’t generally have much of an odor. They’re also quite intelligent and curious, and can be quite active.
On balance, though, those who have owned hedgehogs as pets find the experience immensely rewarding. They’re different kinds of pets, but they’re great, smart, cute little critters who are thankful to have a quality home with those who choose to keep them.
We’ll explore the particular pros of hedgehog ownership in much greater detail below.
If you have had guinea pigs or hamsters in the past, then you know how loud they can be when they understand that you might be working on a treat for them.
Hedgehogs approach this scenario in a completely different manner. You might hear purring noises coming from them when they want something, but it isn’t a sound that is loud or obnoxious.
That is why this small animal tends to be a popular selection for renters – especially if you live in a large complex with thin walls.
When you have a hedgehog as a pet, then you’ll want to give the animal some daily interactions that are gentle and loving. It only takes a few minutes to give them the attention they need each day, unlike a dog or a cat who might want constant contact.
If you want to keep your pet tame, then plan to spend about 60 minutes per day with the animal in some way. That doesn’t mean you need to have physical contact that entire time. Being in the same room can be enough for many of them.
You don’t need to worry about taking your pet hedgehog out for a walk each day.
There aren’t specific outdoor enclosures you’ll need to build, scratching posts to install, or other high-maintenance activities that other pets need to stay mentally and physically healthy.
If you provide a hedgehog with an exercise wheel in their enclosure, then you’ll be taking the most essential step necessary to maintain their health requirements.
Your hedgehog maintains an unusual set of hours, often napping some during the day and night with various activities in between those periods of rest.
If you work an alternative shift, then this advantage means that you can interact with your pet whenever you are home.
You may want to consider keeping your enclosure somewhere other than your bedroom because of their nightly activities if you find that their motion keeps you awake.
You can pet a hedgehog because their quills are not as sharp as the ones you might find on a porcupine.
If you have a young animal at home as a pet, then you’ll want to handle him or her very carefully because baby quills are usually much sharper than the adult version.
You’ll notice that the quills come out like a dog shed’s its coat sometimes as well, which is a process called “quilling.”
Getting poked is still a possibility If you don’t handle a hedgehog of any age with the right amount of care, so be sure to learn how to manage this part of your interactions before bringing home the pet in the first place.
If you share a home with other small pets, then their odor can seep in the upholstery and carpet over time. Even houses with dogs and cats in them can smell problematic.
You might become nose-blind to this issue, but your visitors will certainly detect the foul atmosphere. Ferrets are notoriously bad for this issue.
When a hedgehog is your pet, then it isn’t something that you’ll need to worry about as all. Keeping the cage clean will help to maintain the animal’s health.
If your hedgie does start to develop a foul odor, then this issue is typically a sign of illness. You’ll want to get him or her to vet right away.
When you bring home a young hedgehog as a pet, then they can live for about 4-6 years when they receive the love, care, and food that they need to maintain their physical and mental health.
You’ll need to give your hedgie time to forage to gain this advantage as well. Although they are not as long-lived as most dogs or cats, it is significantly longer than other rodent-like animals that you might consider.
Another positive aspect of owning a hedgehog is in their behavior and hygiene. In terms of behavior, they tend to sleep the majority of the day. They are nocturnal creatures, and in the wild, they hunt and forage at night, covering many miles.
This means they are perfectly fine being left alone during the day while human owners are at work or school – they’re asleep during this time, so they don’t care. Then they are more active in the evening and overnight hours.
Some owners worry that this could be problematic – that their hedgehog may make noise and keep them awake. However, hedgehogs don’t really make many noises.
The most you’ll hear from them is a kind of soft purring noise. More likely, you may hear their exercise wheel, as they typically will run for quite a lot amount of time (simulating all the ground they cover during their hunting/foraging in the wild).
Or, if they flip over their food bowl or toss a toy around in their cage, there may be some noise from that. But in most cases, they’re fairly quiet creatures.
When it comes to hygiene, they’re also quite easy to keep. While they can get somewhat dirty, given their short stature, they generally only need bathing around once per month.
In fact, experts warn against more frequent bathing, as it can irritate and dry out their skin. Proper care and maintenance of their cage, bedding, litter tray, and so on can help with this.
Regardless of bathing, they’re also fairly clean creatures in general. Their quills are actually hairs, but hard and hollow, so they don’t quite hold the same kind of dirt or debris that more furry pets can.
One minor annoying habit that hedgehogs can have is the process of anointing. Essentially, when they encounter foreign, especially strong scents, they may sample it with their tongue, and then generate a bunch of spit with the scent mixed in, and fling it over their bodies.
In practice, though, the saliva dries on their quills, doesn’t generally smell or get all over the place, and isn’t considered much of a hygiene nuisance.
Lastly, hedgehogs can have mites and fleas on occasion. However, unlike furry pets, the mites and fleas that infect hedgehogs don’t typically spread to humans, or present any real hazard to humans.
While any outbreak may irritate your pet and require treatment, there’s very little risk for those mites or fleas to spread to you and cause irritation, bites, or skin symptoms in humans.
Hedgehogs can have a wide range of personalities. Though they are solitary in general, they are also quite intelligent and inquisitive.
They will naturally explore their cage or enclosure fully, and are prone to want to look around and fully explore the home as well.
For this reason, hedgehogs that are played with outside their cage should be played within a hedgehog-proofed room or area, to avoid presenting unintentional hazards for your pet hedgehog.
Most hedgehogs don’t mind being held by humans, though they may be resistant at first. They’re not quite attention-hungry or cuddly the way other pets may be.
With that said, the more you handle them and play with them, the greater they will bond with their owners. They can become quite pliable and accepting of human attention over time, and genuinely show affection toward their human owners in their own special way.
Hedgehogs are not typically aggressive or mean, especially if they’ve always been treated with love and respect. If anything, they tend to be more on the hesitant, skittish, or scared/nervous side of things.
Over time, this will go away, at least with their regular human owner’s handling and care. If they are nervous or scared, it’s best to not force the issue – let them return to safety and comfort.
With love and care, they’ll get used to being held, playing with their human owners, and so on. They’ll come to enjoy and appreciate their play time out of their cage as much as their human owners do.
Only you can decide if a hedgehog will be a good pet for your home and family. The first question you should ask yourself is what you want from a hedgie in the first place.
These animals will not provide you with constant companionship like a dog or the intelligence of a cat, but they are still smart in their own unique way.
If you want a low-maintenance pet who is happy to be independent without a lot of physical interaction, then this animal might be a good fit for your home if you have responsible children and no other pets that could cause a disturbance.
We are located in the USA so it is only fair that we sell most of our hedgehogs in the USA. When it comes to hedgehogs for sale in the USA we are still one of the if not the very best when it comes to the quality of our hedgehogs and price too.
Well here at Baby Hogs we offer hedgehogs for sale online, you do not have to move an inch and you are able to get your hedgehog at your doorstep. Thanks to the possibility of making everything about the hedgehogs buying process work online.
We offer the best quality hedgehogs for sale online, people are always skeptical when it comes to buying hedgehogs online but we make the experience online to be equivalent to those not done online if not better.
So when it comes to that department you are covered and have nothing to worry about. We sell only the best hedgehogs to our clients.
A lot of time is spent raising our hedgehogs to be the perfect family companion as we are a family ourselves. So come and buy the hedgehog of your dreams from us.
We are offering hedgehogs for sale. We have multiple options of hedgehogs for you. These hedgehogs are medically fit. We have both male and female hedgehogs to make your shopping easy. We are available 24/7. These pets come in an affordable price range. They are amazingly friendly and have playful behavior.
If you have any inquiries about our hedgehogs for sale then do not hesitate to contact us right away, we will respond to your purchase request as soon as possible.
Buying a hedgehog is not a small task so reach out to us for purchasing advice at every chance you get. If you wish to know about us you can read about us here.
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